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Dunsford Junior Church

Our Junior Church is capably organized and run by our Christian Education team leader, Abigail Campbell.

Children enter the sanctuary and usually sit with their family when worship begins at 10:00 A.M. There are books, toys and other quiet activities available in the sanctuary. There are lap desks children may take to the pews with them.

Registration form for participation in Junior Church and Youth Activities to be printed, completed and handed in to Abigail. Hard copies are available at the church.

Canada Day Parade, Bobcaygeon, ON

The children participate in the worship service for the first part of the service. Children are encouraged to wear their name tags. Check with our Office Administrator, Christena-Lynn Erglis, if a new name tag is needed.

Each Sunday, two of the children, toddlers to tweens, are invited to assist two adults in taking up offering (not currently receiving offering in this manner.)

Typically following the offering and the singing of a hymn, or a special ministry of music by our junior choir, children come to the front of the sanctuary: as they are comfortable, sitting in the first few centre pews to interact with the minister. Sometimes our littlest ones invite an adult to sit with them for this time.

Conversation and a story time are followed by everyone praying together and saying or singing the Lord’s Prayer. The children are then invited to leave for junior church.

Our junior church teachers and nursery leaders teach the same week each month. We believe the relationships with our infants, toddlers, preschoolers, elementary school age children, tweens and teens are very important. We are excited to learn about their lives and interests.

Our children and youth are encouraged to actively pursue their passions as an expression of their Christian faith.

Dunsford United Church Prayer Team

The prayer team is composed of a group of individuals who have expressed an interest in providing prayer support. This team is overseen by the minister. New members of our prayer team are always welcome. You can be a part of this team, active and participating from anywhere, and on your own schedule! God is always present!

Prayer requests may be communicated to the minister in person, via phone call, or email

Usually the prayer team members are provided with only the name of a person or the situation’s title identifier (organization, event name or location.)

A person may be requesting prayer for himself, herself, themselves or on behalf of another individual, group of people or situation.

Unless requested to do so, extended details about the prayer need are not communicated to the prayer team.

Those requesting prayer, may wish their request to be limited to between themselves and the minister.

Those requesting prayer, may wish their request to be shared only with the prayer team.

Those requesting prayer, may wish their request to be shared with the prayer team and it to be shared during Sunday morning worship during the “Prayers of the People”

New prayer requests are communicated to prayer team members by the minister.

Prayer team members are free to pray however and wherever it is appropriate to their daily availability.

On occasion the prayer team may choose to gather to discuss prayer ministry such as prayer forms, prayer outreach and to support each other in offering prayer.

Prayer Shawl Ministry Team

Needed: Yarn! Yarn! Yarn!

Needed: Knitters and Crocheters, and other Crafters Interested

There has historically been a prayer shawl ministry at Dunsford United Church. Changes of availability, time and energy, relocation of people saw this ministry go on hiatus but interest has been renewed.

Currently knitters, crocheters and crafters are working independently from home, bringing their completed handicrafts to the church when ready to donate.

We have this amazing ministry of baby shawls, adult prayer shawls and lap blankets for those with cancer. During cooler weather and more indoor activities, many grab those knitting needles or crochet hooks or other crafting tools!

It is an amazing gift to be able to give wonderful handmade gifts of caring in times of need and in times of celebration.

Here’s how you might be able to help this ministry:

• Check and see if you or others you know may have yarn in storage that you don’t need and can donate.

•Create a prayer shawl, lap blanket or other item to donate to Dunsford United Church’s prayer shawl ministry.

• If you have the skills to teach someone else to knit or crochet, let us know, so we can place your name on the mentor list.

• Do you want to knit or crochet but don’t know how or have forgotten, contact Dunsford United Church and we’ll help find you a mentor.

• Do you have a pattern you would like to share?

• Prayerfully consider who might be in need and benefit from a prayer shawl or other hand craft. Contact the church with details or arrange to get an item you can take to someone on behalf of Dunsford United Church.

Additional items to make: baby bonnets, mittens, scarves, socks, slippers.

We also collect milk bags that are crocheted or weaved to provide mats for children in countries where dangerous and poisonous insects threaten them while they sleep. These insects do not crawl over the milk bag mats and children are provided a safer sleep.

The Dunsford United Church Women

The UCW’s mission is to love God; foster Christian commitment, faithfulness, and spirituality; and promote respect and love for all God’s creation.

The Eventide UCW meet the second Wednesday of the month, usually in the church hall at 1:30 P.M. All women are welcome! Women gather for a time of worship, conducting business, education, fellowship and engaging in various activities, supporting the life, work and ministries of Dunsford United Church and beyond. Meetings are held September through April. The September gathering includes a pot luck lunch. In December there is a special time of music, prayers, readings and fellowship. In January the ladies plan for the year ahead, arranging for their speakers. April is preparing for the annual bake sale and yard sale held the first Saturday of each May.   Recently UCW donations have included donations to the following:

Bay of Quinte Conference, Camp Quin-Mo-Lac

Five Counties Children’s Centre Foundation designated Speech & Language

United Church Observer, Friends of the Observer Fund

Hospice Kawartha Lakes designated grief

Women’s Resources of Kawartha Lakes